Thursday, April 7, 2011

KK Meets Mr. K

So, if my posts seem all over the place it’s because originally I thought I would write just about my corset training and all the trials and tribulations I go through in the pursuit of an hourglass shape and a good squeeze, or that I would write about all the crazy things that have happened to me up to this point…and there have been plenty, but the thing is, all these other things keep cropping up: mainly my new life here in Denmark. So now I think it’s just better if I write about my random as it presents itself. I think mine at this point in time could be called a cautionary tale for those in LDRs (long distance relationships) considering making a move to be with their loved one; telling about how I got here is sort of important. It may take more than one post, so I will start at the beginning: I was a single parent in America. In my search to rediscover myself outside of being a mother, I had developed a very strong enthusiasm for corsets. I joined corset groups and read all of the information I could find online. That’s when I came across the LISA group (Long Island Staylace Association) who are well respected in that community. After several months of visiting their site regularly, I noticed a little section about an online corset trainer who would give advice. I thought this was marvelous because I had so many questions and how exciting to talk to someone with experience in such things. I sent an email. I got a reply about a day later from a very polite and professional person who was generous with information. The corset trainer gave me tips on gradually increasing my time in the corset and they worked. I was ready for my first custom corset, and the trainer helped me to find a local corsetiere, because at the time I felt that a personal fitting was essential (I have since learned otherwise). We got friendlier and began to chat at length (at LEAST one hour a day, but more often it was 2 or 3) every day via instant messaging. It was so nice to have someone so interested in how I was doing with my corsetting and him being so courteous. He never once said anything inappropriate to me. This was refreshing, because there are a lot of people who seem to think that because you are online you can say and do things that no one will hold you accountable for. He never acted that way and was always completely respectful. It wasn’t until about 3 months in that we started to flirt mildly, but after talking with someone every single day for 3 months, you start to feel a real friendship with them so when he invited me to go out on a date with him it didn’t seem so crazy. The crazy part was that I was in America and he was in Denmark! What was I thinking?? But he asked me out…to LONDON! I was a single mom who was in the throes of all that single parenthood entails. Choosing between food and medicine, work and time with children…I very rarely got to think about what I wanted and I certainly couldn’t entertain any ideas about vacations…but the trainer, Mr. K came in and swept me off my feet. It seemed like a fairytale: beautiful Scandinavian man whisks Cinderella in her rags off from her life of drudgery to a week of fun in Notting Hill in London (he paid for my passport, for airfare, hotel…everything, because those were all things that were completely out of my realm of possibility). It all seemed so wildly impossible. Even now I can’t believe I didn’t suspect him of something foul, but he seemed so genuine that I never did.
Being the rambler that I am, this is definitely going to have to be done in installments. So I will write about our first meeting in the next post…

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