Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back in the, Corset Again!

So in 7 years the longest I have been OUT of my corset is 8 days, and I never want to do it again. Oddly, this is also the same number of days that is my record for staying laced IN my corset without removing it. And yes, I did have a way to bathe while in my corset. It wasn’t a gross out contest or anything. I just wanted to test how long I could go…and the answer was indefinitely, but the skin needs maintenance, so I would not recommend this to anyone. But I do fantasize about a way to remain corsetted permanently and it being a part of me all the time. See? I’ve gone crazy this week!

Well I have managed to repair one of my old corsets to a degree that I can wear it temporarily until I get the new one repaired. I still have not heard back from the corset maker on whether she understands my repair instructions. From past experience I know that once one steel has broken in the back, others will soon follow. So rather than send the corset all the way to Germany (not to mention that this is not free to ship internationally!) to replace one steel and have to send it back in another month for the next broken one, I have asked that the corset maker replace and/or reinforce all four rear steels that surround the grommets…which are where the laces are threaded for those not familiar with the basic corset parts…which gives me an idea about another post…anyway, I want all four replaced with something stronger or reinforced with additional steels in each pocket, like I did with her first corset that she made me (we are on our third from Corsets and More).

I just want to say that the problems I am having with the corset are probably due more to the difficulty in communicating due to a language barrier than any problem with actual workmanship. I may not have made myself clear enough about what was needed with the construction of the corset and it is possible that Doris did not understand that I literally LIVE in my corset often more than 23/7 and so I would need a very industrial strength 24/7 tightlacing corset. Doris is an incredible seamstress and makes THE most comfortable corsets I have yet to wear. This includes even the late great Amy Crowder of Wasp Creations. I would recommend Doris to anyone wanting a wonderfully fitted custom corset. No need for a personal fitting, as she is a miracle worker with the patterns.

I guess I am getting off subject here…I just wanted to update that I am no longer going uncorsetted. Please God (or, as we know him around here, Mr. K), please never again…please? It is hard to describe the rudderless out of control feelings that I get while outside of my corset. The past week was also a very combative one with Mr. K. I don’t think he makes the connection between my erratic behavior and my need to be laced in. He’s just crabby that I’m not corsetted. And rightly so I suppose, as it was part of our agreement (though we also had that nifty agreement about two operational corsets at all times, which would have made this situation a lot easier to manage). My behavior this week really surprised me. I would never have imagined that it would have such a drastic effect on my state of mind and I am beginning to see some patterns that I’d like to think about a little more before writing about them.

~)x(~ KKinDK

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